Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Today's classes were good. Zen Shiatsu in the morning and Anatomiken in the afternoon. I am afraid of Anatomiken. We will be learning anatomy by building it out of clay. I'm not much of the artsy craftsy type... The teacher also scares me a little. She is not particularly friendly but she seems to know the material well and explaines things clearly. Today they had an an "intersting side note" about the zygomatic arch... Aparently the it is etimologicly related the the sanskrit root yuga from which we get yoga... I tried to tell her that yuga is not the sanskrit root for but a mesurement of time. She was not pleased with my input and obviously had no intention of changing her material. I think I will be sticking with anatomy in that class from now on. We started the class by handing out bones and figuring out what they were! The class will be chalanging no doubt, many people fail, but it will be really fun as well!

I am riding a bike to school, about 9 miles. Well, probably longer since I got lost this morning and was almost late for class. My cardio system is not in the best shape but I love the ride.


Jiling 林基玲 said...

clay!!! lots of it in the mts around the area. yummy yummy rockies. :B i need to return and play with clay, make ugly little beautiful primitive pots..

Jiling 林基玲 said...

and we can maybe experiment play with strawbale building, clay ovens, etc