Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Working again!

So I kind of dropped the picture/poem/blog thing when I broke my foot eh?

I since my last post I have hardly left the apartment. What have I been doing to stay happy?
Oh, so much!
First thing, possibly the most important, is having Bob around. Friends are gold. I have a few other friends around here that I am appreciating daily as well. Most notibly Nicky and Orion. I spend a lot of time with Orion, mostly conversation over tea or dinner. Then there is Nicole who is so proactive about organizing games. Slowly getting to know and love the others as well, we have 12? total in the building.

Aside from hanging out I have been reading a lot, playing with the ukulele, playing go, doing yoga and learning basic Japanese. Shogun is an incredible book, I could write about my experience with it for days I am sure. It got me interested in going to Japan so I started learning Japanese. With the amount of time I have put into Japanese so far I think I could be almost conversational in Thai but I feel as far from speaking Japanese as when I started. I think I am only going to finish the level one course and move on... At least I want to be able to be polite to Japanese travelers. The music is hard. Go is hard. Yoga is hard. When I think about getting better at these things I feel overwhelmed with everything. I feel the lack of direction in my life and the lack of accomplishment... At the same time I have done so many things that I would not have been able to do if I had focused myself. I am happy about that. Life is to short.

Since I don't want to spend a bunch of time at the computer right now but I want to finish this I am going to do something different. This is an abridged chat I just had with Mike Jones.

Michael: Hey hey
Daniel: hey
Michael: Jimmy and I are in Bkk (bangkok)
Daniel: sweet!
for how long?
Michael: 2 weeks
Daniel: I started my first office job yesterday.
it's interesting. office work is all about communication. There is nothing involved but communication, odd thing is that it's all done with a computer, which communicates much more then a person could.
Michael: wow
do you like office work?
Sent at 8:03 PM on Wednesday
Daniel: I have very ralely felt so stressed in my entire life.
it's amazing really
Michael: lol
are they working you hard?
Daniel: no, it's totality chill.
it's just being confused and not moving at the same time...
Michael: right
it must be stressful for it to be such work every time you want to get out of your chair
Daniel: ?
no it's not that so much.
just the actual act of sitting in a chair at a computer doing something confusing is stressful.
It makes me want to move around and take breaks...
especially the veiw from my desk...

Daniel: a parkinglot with interesting things always happening and a mountain in the background.

Michael: what's happening in the parking lot?
sounds sketchy
Daniel: it's not.
Mostly tourists. My favorite today was a guy fawning over a hot girl. Both dressed to go to a club or something. Being all cutesy and kissing her, in the middle of the lot. Then they walked to a minivan where an older couple (grandparents?) were waiting for them. I guess you would have to be there...
Michael: hehe
okay, bangkok belly just hit

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The urgency of this moment gives me life
freshness to explore and love and appreciate
all of the gifts of my life.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The myth of Freedom. or Falling from heaven.

Flying through the god realm!
after so much work, and cunning
Oh, watch out for that rock!

Confusion, denial, grasping...

I am a man
Heaven and hell
are just around the bend.

Monday, June 7, 2010

If I always feel alone
and so far from home
I feel, now, so much more
surrounded by beauty and light

Sunday, June 6, 2010

If I have fallen from heaven
to course along this beaten earth
I will follow the easy way

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Isolation and Love

Alone and gray, out to sea all year.
Spring time comes and even the puffin
gets dressed up for love.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Bitter and lovely,
though scorned
you offer so much.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Even now,
after the "fall of communism",
we can start to see Marxes dreams

Watch your step.