Friday, March 14, 2008


Today was the most frightening day of my course. Not only was it the first time ever giving massage to someone I did not know. I had to work with "the elderly". There was some question of who exactly was in the worst condition, An old man who hobbled in with a crutch on one arm and an assistant on the other, or an 88 y/o woman who looked at fist like she could die at any moment. I ended up with the old woman. I was terrified. I started at the feet as per usual, she was tight, and her toes were bent in ways I could not imagine possible unless I had seen it myself. Her thighs were thinner then my forearm and I could feel every bone distinctly. At first she was as afraid of me as I was of her I think. After about 15 min she started to relax and I stated to use a little more pressure... 30 min in she started talking. I freaked. I stopped. I called for a teacher. She was asking if I was single. This caused an uproar among the ITM'ers "Yes", "No", "6 I think"... I did not say anything. Afterwards I was totally comfortable. If she was trying to marry me off I certainly wasn't hurting her.
My next client was a 68 y/o woman who looked as healthy as a horse. I gave her med/strong pressure from the beginning and she was happy. She had some what high blood pressure so I couldn't do a few things, but I hope to be as healthy when I am 68! After the massage she gave me a 100B tip!
Tonight I love massage so much! It was a wonderful experience and I feel that the more I learn the more I will enjoy it!

1 comment:

Riley said...

That old woman wanted your amazing hands on her all night long!