"Woke up, got out of bed
Dragged a comb across my headFound my way downstairs and drank a cup
And looking up, i noticed i was late..."
My day is split into basicly 3 parts. Before school, school, and after school. Each of these are again split into 3 parts, which can be spit into 3 more parts... Just kidding.
First I wake up, go figure. Usualy around 7am. After a little Yoga I Shower and eat some breakfast. Then the crazy ride to school the the busiest road in town. School starts at 9am and proceeds as follows:
- 9am. there is "yoga for thai massage" and it is a little simple so I don't go. Monday I will start yoga balance ball classes. These cost extra, allot extra, but will be super fun. I took a sample class and was the first person to ever stand on the ball in the first class. Damn I'm good.
- 10am. I arrive at to have a cup of tea and chat with friends.
- 10:15. Class starts. This week has been an exception, we start at 9am because we are doing "herbal hot compresses" at the spa instead of working at the school.
- 12 noon. Lunch! I usually go to a restaurant operated by a competing school and have high priced vegi Thai food for $.90 a meal. If I was cheap I could eat for $.30. Everyday I have a coffee at a very nice stand set off the road with my friend Benoit.
- 1pm. Back to work! Usualy we practice whatever we learned in the morning.
- 3pm. I usualy call it a day but I can stay and practice until 5 if I want. Some days I go play go, do yoga in the park, have a fruit smoothie, or whatever.
I will post pictures tomorrow.
and how are classes?
Classes are great! Mostly, some of the classes I feel like they are a waste of time, but I think those classes are for the students who can't think for themselves. Otherwise I have only goodthings to say, some students complain about the lack of individual attention, maybe it's because I always joke with the teachers but I often have a personal teacher.
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