Friday, January 4, 2008


I wasn't planing on posting again until I had arrived in Thailand but its 2:27 am and I need to kill and hour and a half before I go to the airport! So the great news! I am the first. Yes my friends, the very first... person I know... to use an XO! Isn't that incredible!
Of course you all know what an XO is right? No?

So this guy, Negroponte, had a dream. If every child in the world had a computer and internet education would run rampant and destroy the forces of ignorance and corruption that hold the masses in poverty and helplessness. And so was born One Laptop Per Child and the XO. So, how did I get one? Being the son of a major drug smuggler I can have anything I want! oops... I mean... Buy one get one free. To garner funds Negroponte is selling the XO for twice, yes folks thats it TWICE what it costs! and when my dad bought one some lucky kid in China, India, Africa, S. America? where are the starving kids nowadays? anyway some kid gets one.

Well that's all folks.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

An XO, that is wonderful, I kept looking at that but have not followed through, I am glad your Dad did for you and the other child. I had a message from him this AM to say you were on your way. Love and safe travels, Mom