Let's start where I left off in MA. Quickly mentioning the Breathwork seminar at the Wild Cat with Kieth and Susan Iellamo. It was a pretty incredible experience. The form or the practice involves a breather and a sitter, the sitter being there to support the breather along their journey. First I was the sitter for my partner. I was amazed how powerfully my partner was effected. I took a vow of confidentiality so unfortunately I can't describe my sitting experience in detail, but I can say that it was beautiful and moving. Breathing was pretty crazy. First I started laughing and as I enjoyed the new sensations then when I heard someone crying I felt the pain in their voice and began crying with them for a few minutes but soon I was laughing again. I had been reading a book on Buddhist philosophy talking about the depths and heights of fictitious being and thinking about karmic theories I became dissatisfied with my experience and realized that although I was feeling really high my experience was conditioned by karma and soon enough I would find myself upset and caught up in the suffering of the world. About that time I had to pee, and realized that I could not stand without help. My sitter helped me outside and down the stairs. I could hardly walk but I suddenly had the irresistible urge to run. Running was incredible, I moved with awkward jerks until I had a perceptual shift which allowed me to move freely for a minute or so before returning to spazness. While peeing I watched the trees morph and and shimmer. The rest of the event was pretty timeless. There was a moment when I think I stopped breathing, vaguely aware of my sitter calling for Kieth. A moment of nothingness, a flash. In the flash I freaked out, grasping for something I remembered my mantra repeating it seemed so mundane and I let it go. The nothingness I think was probably just a loss of consciousness, the flash was certainly some kind of one pointedness. Next thing I know I am aware that we were supposed to stop and close the session. Afterward my mind was very raw and childish. I was trying to eat some snacks and ended up getting food all over my face, hands and cloths. My 2 of my motherly friends helped wipe me up as I stood there grinning like a fool. During the closing circle I thanked Kieth and Susan for having me as their guests. Kieth asked me to say something about my experience, with the laughing and all so I briefly said something about the highs and lows of fictitious being.
That was certainly the highlight of my later MA experience.
Merrin was in PA for Crystal's wedding so she came to visit Carlos in North Hampton and pick me up and bring me to FL. We stopped in NJ to pick up Jaz and stopped in WV to see mom and Jack. The Florida highlight was visiting Plant City for the first time in many many years.
I don't have a camera anymore. My old camera destroyed all of my Laos pictures and allot of my Thailand pictures :( These pictures are complements of Jaz.

1 comment:
wow i look like the monster from the goonies in that picture
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