Sunday, July 13, 2008

Jaz and I just got back from The Abode today after almost a week stay. It was awesome. I love the community there! I love sufis. When I first met Shahabuddin maybe 5 years ago I almost became a sufi initiate. I really liked him both as a person and as a teacher. I never felt a strong connection with or really even a much of a liking for Panditj at the Himalayan Institute. Don't get me wrong, I have allot of respect for him, but that's it. I have been known to be prone to hasty decisions, flightiness, lack of commitment etc. For jobs or living arrangements, yes, but that has never been much of a problem when it comes to dedication to my practices what ever those may be. There is a saying about practice being like digging a well. If you flit around you dig alot of holes but you never hit water. With that in mind I thought seriously about Sufism, read about it, went to classes, and then decided to go to the Abode and live there for a few months. After all that I came to the conclusion that although I really love sufis, I am not a sufi.

I went back to the Abode to see Tim. I had forgotten how much I loved the other sufis. Yogis on the other hand I usually find kinda boring. The HI for example has so little vibrancy in the community. That doesn't mean that I couldn't find things to complain about at the Abode or that I don't like the HI. After all I spent 3 months at the Abode and a year and 3 months at the HI. I guess I like the sufi approach to life and yoga's approach to philosophy and practice.

Anyway, I had a blast.

1 comment:

Jiling 林基玲 said...

yup you never update this anymore
maybe im a bad influence
or a GREAT influence
so great :)
whiney poor raccoon!!!