About the time I began to relax I took a look in the mirror and decided that I needed a haircut. I decided to go back to the Mohawk. I guess I was feeling a little angsty. Anyway, I went to class the next day and one of my teachers flipped out. She said if I didn't cut the mohawk I would not be allowed back in class. Then the administration told me that if I didn't cut it I wouldn't be allowed back to school. I was a little pissed off so I wrote them a letter. I gave a copy to all of the teachers who were involved, the dean, student council and passed a few around to my classmates and teachers. It was a fun day.
"My formal response to the events of 11/19 and 11/20/08.
To whom it may concern,
I will express my apology to anyone who was or will be offended by either my hair or this letter. Through diverse experience every person comes to their own understanding of and has their own reactions to the world, and every person is valid in that. I have no need to change anyone, upset anyone, or in any way harm anyone. I understand that you have strong beliefs and convictions and that they are most likely different then mine. I value every persons individuality and have a profound respect for the causal factors that shape the human mind. I hope only that we find peace and joy both together and within ourselves.
The first official response I received in regards to my new hairstyle on Wednesday was a very emotional Michelle saying "What exactly are you trying to say?". I could have made any number of responses that would have felt honest and smart, but with respect to Michelle and her institutional position I decided to keep it polite. She clarified that although there are no rules about mohawks there were rules about "professional appearance," and that if I didn't cut it I would not be allowed back in class. I tried to make a compromise which was not looking very hopeful. Later in a meeting with Carrol I found out that "many" teachers had come to her with their complaints and that I would have to cut my hair before coming back to school.
Before I make a statement of belief and conviction about my choice of hair styles I am going to critique the institution and it's members who are in charge of the the decision to make me cut my hair. This is not intended to cause change, it comes from my need to express myself in writing as I am forbidden to express myself in dress and conduct. The first argument I have is that of the completely subjective nature of the rule in question. In my mind if dreadlocks and tattoos are considered professional then a mohawk should be just fine. If it is based on a matter of cleanliness then a mohawk is almost definitely cleaner. If it's based on ideological statements then mohawks and dreads should be equally offensive or acceptable. I don't believe that there is any clear line or reason that could be given that would make this decision objectively rational. The second issue is the manner in which the situation has been handled. I want to express respect for Michelle for relating to me in person. The emotional nature of her wording, tone and demeanor was slightly offensive but such is life. I understand that the teachers who complained about me without ever talking with we are acting as impersonal cogs in the machine, I have no respect for that mind-state but also have no anger towards it either. As for the administration, Carrol was very respectful in her demeanor but I think an ultimatum of expulsion as a first response to such a benign offense is ridiculous. The whole thing seems to be blown way out of proportion. If someone had a nice calm talk to me about professional appearance and the schools collective views on mohawks and maybe "reminded" me that I am graded on professionalism I would have shaven my head without more then a little venting to my friends. The treatment I have received has offended me on a few levels most of all I do not think that I have been treated as a mature adult.
In response to Michelle and anyone who silently wondered what exactly I was trying to say. In Hinduism there is a story about the great teacher (true self), the truth and the establishment. As an instrument of creation the establishment had prospered and done many great things and was having a great party in honor of itself. Every aspect of reality was invited except for the great teacher and the truth. The cosmic trickster went to the truth and told her about it. When the truth showed up at the party she was ridiculed for marrying the great teacher and told to leave. She threw herself into the fire because she was the worldly daughter of the establishment and refused to stay in the world in that form. When the great teacher felt what happened he became very angry and created a great hero to destroy the party.
I have a strong and religious dislike and distrust of institutions. I understand their role in the world and have a tempered respect for all created things. Institutions naturally arise from the principle of order and they are a powerful and beautiful creative forces. At the same time they cause people to take themselves to seriously and can blind us to the beauty of the simple truth that lives free from the concerns of the world. I came to BCMT for a quality education and I am receiving all that I could have asked for. I did not come to adopt a forced and stressful way of life. When I became wrapped in the illusion of importance I needed a reminder of my values. I thought a mohawk would be a just right.
Daniel Clough"
I know you are all dying to take a look at my shelter... So here it is!
To get to the shelter you have to go off trail over a fallen down tree. It's totally Robin Hood.
...and there's Robin Hood!
He hasn't shit for days...
Is that toilet paper you have there? Yes?
I Love You.