I have been in Florida for a year and a half. I have been more settled then I have been since high school. More content then ever. The past year has been consumed with the idea meshing my understanding of the world with practical living, and of course always learning more.
The year has been filled with friends, girls, Go, Whole Foods. I have relised that I am a social creature and without people I find little use for life. I read today that love is not about gazing at each other as much as it is about looking out in the same direction. Sounds good as a basis of relationship. Speaking of relationships, not friends I am good there, girls...
I was told by a woman I care allot for "the only problem with you is you offer no commitments". I have known many beautiful women this year but I am more attached to freedom. Hmmm... When I met someone with tattoos I so often said "I am only afraid of two things in this world: Pain and Commitment". After I get back from Thailand and visit friends I am going to give another shot a relationship, maybe 3.
A good friend, Mike Smith, always talks about being an alpha male. If I am a superior player I deserve more of the board, but I should not be greedy. If I am weak then I will get stronger.
The year working at WFM has been fun, but I suck at the cashier game. In some respects my love for people more then made up for my dyslexia and lack of attention to details, in others, not some much. I got fired the day after putting in my 2 weeks notice for cash variances. I have a good reference and rehire promises. I saved my store team member of the month award, and my team team member of the month t-shirt (it fit's nicely). I don't want to be a cashier ever again.
The future is in massage and yoga. I want to be a high dollar fancy mega mega personal yoga teacher. I want to bring peace, love, and happiness to the rich and powerful.
The Future Is In Thailand! well four months of it. I will be studying thai massage in Chiang Mai in 2 weeks. Thai massage AKA yoga someone does to you. I am putting all of my eggs in one basket. I'm playing double or nothing with my career. Right after my father fo
P.S. One of the Highlights of the year was my week roadtrip with mom.